FiW at the IFAT 2024 in Munich
Our team took the opportunity to exchange ideas with international experts, discuss innovative approaches and establish new partnerships.
KW Publication on the digital river twin
The results of the project “Minimum-Viable Product – Digitaler Gewässerzwilling” were published in the May issue of Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft.
Girl’s Day at the Research Institute for Water Management and Climate Fu-ture at RWTH Aachen e. V.
The annual Girl's Day took place on 25 April with the theme 'Dive into the world of drinking and waste water'.

Alle packen mit an – Spendenaktion und Logbuch
Wir wollen alle Interessierten mitnehmen in unsere Umzugsvorbereitung und freuen uns über jeden, der uns dabei unterstützen möchte.
Jubiläumsfeier „10 Jahre Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft“
Die Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft (JRF) – die Forschungsgemeinschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen – hat ihr 10-jähriges Bestehen am 8. April mit 300 Gästen bei einer Jubiläumsveranstaltung in…
10 years of the Johannes Rau Research Foundation (JRF)
Congratulations! The brochure "10 years of JRF" takes a look at selected highlights of the past decade
We are signatories to the „Charta der Vielfalt“
It is important for us to set an example for diversity and tolerance in the world of work.
Paths to sustainable water management and society - FiW e.V. at Essener Tagung 2024
At our acwa exhibition, in presentations and in personal discussions, we presented current research results under the motto "Research. Transfer. Sustainability."