Our mission
FiW is a respected transfer institute for research and consulting services related to water management and, as a member of the JRF research community, is funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. We work on solutions for the great challenges of our time: water, climate, energy, resources. We want to create values - for businesses, politics, science, and society.
As a non-profit association under German law and an affiliated institute of RWTH Aachen University, we bring research results into practical application – with a team of around 45 employees and a strong network of partners. Members of FiW are German public water associations, municipal drainage companies, utility companies, engineering firms, RWTH Aachen University, and personal members who honorary support the association's aims.
Our vision
FiW develops long-term strategies and innovative processes to promote sustainability in the water sector, tackling water quantity and water quality challenges in times of climate change.
In particular, we support the water sector in coping with its "double key role" addressing climate adaptation while becoming a driver for sustainability towards energy efficiency, climate neutrality, circular economy, digitalisation, and the market ramp-up of the hydrogen economy.
We are convinced that the pressing challenges of our time must be viewed globally and solved locally with knowledge-based decisions, sustainable strategies, innovative technologies, public services, commitment and participation, so that the next generations also can adopt clean water, necessary resources and an environment worth living in.
Our guiding principles
FiW is striving for technical quality, customer and partner orientation, cost-effectiveness, and the engagement of our strong team. As a compass, we have summarised our culture and our values in six guiding principles:
Gender & Diversity
This Equality Plan is based on the constitutional anchoring of equal rights for women and men, the Federal Equality Act (Bundesgleichstellungsgesetz BGleiG) and the Equality Act for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz-LGGL), as well as the objectives of the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz AGG), to which FiW is expressly committed.
FiW understands the realization of gender equality as a central cross-sectional task that extends to all areas of work. Discrimination in both overtly direct and covert, subtle forms is to be prevented in all areas by exposing and eliminating practices and structures that create and perpetuate inequality. The GEP is intended to realize and continue measures to strengthen and promote equal opportunities.
Jule Blankenstein, M.Sc.
+49 241 80 2 68 49 /