Welcome to the Research Institute for Water Management and Climate Future at RWTH Aachen University

Research. Transfer. Sustainability.



R2K-Workshop bei der Woche der Klimaanpassung


Alle packen mit an – Spendenaktion und Logbuch


Thementag: Plastik in der Umwelt

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For economy

We provide research services for the economyfrom the idea to the implementation. From the first vision until the marketability of your product, we accompany you and your project. Additionally, we contribute to ensure the future of your company with education and training programmes, investigations in our laboratory and semi-technical facilities as well as services for concept development and process optimisation!

For politics

We develop innovative and sustainable concepts for politics and administration in the field of water, waste and energy management. We accompany you on the way to implementation in political committees, prepare expert opinions and develop solutions for cost calculation according to the polluter-pays principle in terms of fees and contributions.

For science

As an associated institute, we support science in the transfer of basic research into applied research. Our strengthsarethe implementation of ideas and the translation of theories into practice. Applied research or the scientific support of technical large-scale facilities are part of our portfolio.

For society

As a non-profit institute, the FiW stands for public services of general interest and together with the actors of society we shape our environment: regionally, nationally and internationally. We see ourselves as an informative Think-Tank and contribute to make living conditions in the world more sustainable in developing and emerging countries through our education and training programmes.

FiW international

Since FiW began its work in 1980, its employees have also been working on projects abroad. Networking, successful project initiation and, last but not least, the interests of our employees have led to the fact that there are countries and regions in which we are increasingly active and on which we focus our cooperation. The main focus of our projects is in the target regions of Africa and Asia.