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RegIKlim working group meeting at the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau

Representatives from the R2K consortium are contributing to the discourse on climate adaptation with the RegIKlim transfer research project

On June 18, 2024, three representatives of the R2K consortium came together at the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau to take part in the first on-site meeting of the 2nd funding phase of the RegIKlim working group of the accompanying research.

With a view to the Climate Adaptation Act coming into force at the beginning of July, the aim was to bring together the results of the adaptation measures and the implementation of the individual model regions and to exploit potential synergies. Implementation potentials, adaptation goals and evaluation indicators of climate adaptation concepts were discussed intensively in three working groups.

Another focus was on integrating the results of the partner projects into a joint climate register. In addition to methodological approaches, exciting presentations dealt with possibilities for capacity building through a climate adaptation academy. The lively discussion and exciting keynote speeches contributed significantly to the success of the meeting.