FiW e.V. is proud to be Host Country Partner of the 19th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies (#iwaLET) to be held next week, 24 - 28 June, at Zeche Zollverein in Essen, jointly organised by Ruhrverband, Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband and GELSENWASSER AG. This year´s focus is on Closing the water cycle through efficient and innovative technologies. Meet us in several workshops and presentations: Dr. Frank-Andreas Weber serves in the IWA LET 2024 Organising Committee, Dr. Manuel Krauß is co-hosting the workshop on water reuse on Monday 24 June, and Dr. Kristoffer Ooms is presenting our research on sector coupling of wastewater, energy and transportation through Power-to-Methanol on Wednesday 26 June. Registration is still open at
From 24 to 28 June 2024, international water experts will exchange ideas in lectures, discussions and workshops at #iwaLET. More than 350 contributions have been submitted and promise to represent a broad portfolio of innovative technologies in the water sector: Topics to be discussed include trace substance problems, desalination technologies, climate change, greenhouse gas reduction, digitalisation and modern water purification processes. The extensive program will be rounded off on Friday, the last day of the event, with excursions to innovative wastewater technology plants in the Ruhr region.
The #iwaLET contributes to the global advancement of water and wastewater technology. The conference is sponsored by the International Water Association (IWA) based in London. The #iwaLET in Essen is jointly organised by Ruhrverband, Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband (EGLV) and GELSENWASSER AG. FiW e.V. serves as host country partner.