The support group of the DBU-funded ENTfrachtEN project met for the 3rd time at the FiW in Aachen. The topics discussed were new results on the use of the NIVUS PKM sensor in the combined sewer system and results on volume and load-based control in the StEB Köln network in Cologne-Rodenkirchen.
In the ENTfrachtEN project, the PKM sensors from NIVUS are being tested for the first time on a large scale in the combined sewer system. The project advisory group met for the third time to discuss the progress of the project. After meetings in Cologne and Eppingen with the project partners StEB Köln and NIVUS GmbH, the third and final workshop took place at FiW in Aachen. Over two days, all project progress was presented and discussed in detail.
On the first of the two workshop days, the measurement results of the PKM sensor were presented. The available validation results were presented. Based on this, the first recommendations for placing the probes in the combined sewer system - both on the sewer bed and at overflow sills – were given.
On the second day, the results of the control were discussed in particular. In a first step, volume-based control systems were developed. For this purpose, various optimisation scenarios were carried out in the model of the catchment area of the Cologne-Rodenkirchen wastewater treatment plant with the help of MIKE+Py. The results show that potentials in the system can already be raised with static throttle optimisations or distributed controls. In the second step, the considerations for the exact use of the sensors for load-dependent control were presented and a comparison was made to determine at which positions the highest potentials can be realised.
We would like to thank the advisory group for the fruitful discussion and the DBU for funding the project. The project ends at the end of March 2025 and we look forward to another final event in the coming year.